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Library Minutes 12/05/2012 Final

PRESENT: Bruce Dodge, Jami Bascom, Kristin Readel, Gail Smith, Scott Jones, Andre Wood, Neal Brown, Mary Ann Grant.
ABSENT: Bob Marshall
Minutes taken by Pat LaPree.

7:10 PM - Meeting called to order by Chairman Brown.
Review of preliminary minutes for the November 2012 meeting:
Minutes need to be amended as follows: on page 1, subsection e,  line 2, insert o in the word “abut” to red “about”, on page 1, line 14, insert o before the letter “f” to read “ of’ and on page 2, subsection a, change the figure from “ $580.00/month” to “$290.00/month”. The motion was made by Bruce to accept the minutes as amended, and it was seconded by Jami. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative to accept the minutes.
Review of action items in the November Minutes:
Pat amended the October minutes and they are posted on the Town Website as well as a hard copy in the secretary’s notebook.
Neal did write a new narrative to accompany the revised budget and gave it to the Select Board after the Trustee’s last meeting. There has been no feedback from the Board thus far about the budget.

7:17 PM - Spending and Treasurer’s Report:
The Department Heads were informed by the Town Administrator that, effective November 30, 2012, there is a spending freeze on all town departments. All purchases need to be brought to the TA for approval.
Gail reported that she spoke to the TA about a few bills that are outstanding and she was given the permission to pay them. The windows from Mike Borden for the library will be covered. The two windows will be installed on December 15, and Mike will provide two bids for the replacement of the triple windows in the front of the Library on December 6. Andre reported that he will have a bill for his services to develop a website to Gail before the end of the year. He also provided the Trustees with a contract for his services for 2013.
Mary Ann reported that there is money left in all the line items of the budget as of today.
The oil tank was filled on November 14 and topped off on November 28. There is $3,177.00 remaining in the heating fuel line item after these expenditures. Discussion followed as to how to use these funds. The TA said that in order to use these funds for more window replacements in 2012, the Trustees would need to vote on encumbering the exact amount of the cost of the windows, and if the vote passes he will take it to the Select Board. Bruce made the motion that the following statement to be voted on in order to move forward with the request to use some of the money in the current budget to replace another two windows:
“The Trustees vote to encumber the exact amount of the submitted bid, but not to exceed $3000.00, for replacement of windows in the old part of the Library.” Jami seconded the motion. Neal moved that the motion be voted on by the Trustees. The vote was unanimous in favor to accept the motion.

8:01 PM – Status of the exterior painting warrant article:
Neal reported that he did get three bids for the job and he is working with the DPW Director, as is protocol now, per the Town Administrator, to make the decision on who will do the work. The three bids ranged from $3800.00 to $7500.00. The highest bid includes any carpentry in addition to the painting, The other two bids do not include the carpentry, but the $3800.00 bid can do the carpentry, while the middle bid could not do it and would have to sub- contract it. All three contractors are lead paint removal certified. Neal recommended that the person who can do both the painting and the carpentry needed is the best choice for the contract, and the Trustees agreed. ACTION: Neal and the DPW Director will walk the job with the $3800.00 contractor and try to negotiate a cap on the bid for anticipated carpentry expenses. He will then work with the TA to write the warrant article for the cost of the painting to be voted on at Town Meeting in March 2013.

8:05 PM – United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Community Facilities Grant and Loan Application:
Neal reported that he called the contact person in New Hampshire that is listed on the flyer that Neal provided the Library staff and the Trustees with via e-mail. He was told that the basis for determining whether a community can qualify for grant money is based on the mean income of the town. Greenfield is not eligible for grant money under the USDA guidelines, but it may be considered for a low interest loan at a rate of 3.5 %. Discussion followed as to how that interest rate and term of the loan from USDA might compare to a bond, either just for the Library or as part of a Town wide bond for multiple building repair and whether there might be other grant opportunities. The Trustees decided that it would not be advantageous to pursue a loan application from the USDA at this time.

8:17 PM – Librarian’s Corner/statistical report:
Gail provided November 2012 statistics and compared the numbers from November 2011. Circulation is up and computer use is up. Kristin spoke about what she is able to get from the Alexandria software for statistical information and tracking and what she hopes to be able to gather from Alexandria in the future. Kristin reports that Wednesdays are especially busy.
Kristin reported that the cataloguing of the Library is almost complete in the Alexandria system. When it is complete it will be backed up as part of the Alexandria contract.
There is a new group meeting at the Library. Computer user’s group is facilitated by Andre and Bruce and was well attended. The next meeting will be January 9, and it is hoped that it will be at least monthly. Other programming is going on at the Library, such as Brownies, Daisy Scouts, Mom’s Group, Sit-and-Sew and Craft-a-Thon. The Community Stroll will be a collaborative event with the school and will be held on December 14.

8:28 PM – Status of the sign project;
Bruce reports that he has been working on a theatrical production, which has not left him time to work on the sign. The show wraps on December 10, and he will have time after that to work on the Library sign project.

8:35 PM – Old/New Business:
The Town report needs to be submitted by the Library by January 4, 2013. ACTION: Kristin and Gail will write the highlight of 2012, Mary Ann will provide financial information and they will forward it to Neal to compile the final document by the deadline. Goals for 2013 will also be part of the report.
There is a three year Trustee position open on the ballot. It is Neal’s position, and he plans to run again. At the April 2013 Trustees meeting, it will be decided who will be the Trustee officers for the coming year.

8:45 PM- Bruce made the motion to adjourn the meeting at this time. Jami seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of adjourning the meeting.
Next meeting is Wednesday, January 2, 2013 at 7 PM at the Library.

Respectfully Submitted,
Patricia LaPree